


We work with industry players to provide the know-how to operationalize best practices based on regenerative principles to enhance food and societal security. Depending on the product or service, our researchers will collect scientific data to design the best ways in which a product can be created and marketed in the best possible way. The guiding principles of regeneration and transformation represent a paradigm shift from a solely profit-oriented approach to a holistic approach incorporating care for our physical and social environments. Such an approach will create more sustainable long-term profits than a solely profit-oriented one. We aim to make this new way of production the way of the future.





We create collaborations between science and industry to promote conscientious regeneratively sustainable production and consumption to enhance food and societal security. Our researchers with expertise in scientific knowledge and technology will create new products and new and novel methods of both production and consumption. Our scientists will create foods which will serve to nourish the body and mind in tandem with a healthy life. Industry will promote the consumption of these foods with a view to ensuring consumers eat to live healthy and productive lives. We will be creating foods as medicines to reduce the reliance on drugs to combat lifestyle and diet-related diseases. This will not just promote food security and food safety but will ensure societal and human security as well.





We empower youth to create a new future for themselves through holistic researching, investigating, knowing and living to enhance societal security. This will be done through educational programs, online teaching and learning, roadshows, and exchange programs that will be tailor-made according to needs and requirements of the participants. We will work with universities to teach compulsory courses on food and societal security so as to prepare young people to research and innovations in societal and environmental betterment.